Machine Locations in Venue

Machine Locations
in Venue

Milwaukee County Zoo (Milwaukee, WI)

Milwaukee County Zoo (Milwaukee, WI)

Milwaukee County Zoo (Milwaukee, WI)

Souvenir Mold Location
Bat (Black) Outside the exit of Small Mammals Building.
Elephant (Gray) Outside of the Conservation Outpost.
Tiger (Orange) North end of Feline House.
Giraffe (Red) Inside the Gathering Place.
Gorilla (Black) Inside of the Primate Building.
Lion (Yellow) South end of Feline House.
3 Monkeys (Brown) Inside west end of the Primate Building.
Flamingos (Pink) Beside Safari Train station.
Hippo (Purple) Underwater Viewing of Hippo Haven.
Camel (Brown)* Outside of the Conservation Outpost.
T-Rex (Blue)* By Dinosaurs behind Small Mammals Building.
Penguin (White) Outside Aviary building exit.

Map and Table last updated: 5/28/24

* = Newly added mold or color change.