Machine Locations in Venue
Machine Locations
in Venue
Brookfield Zoo (Brookfield, IL)
Brookfield Zoo
(Brookfield, IL)
(Brookfield, IL)
Brookfield Zoo
(Brookfield, IL)
(Brookfield, IL)
Souvenir Mold | Location |
Otter (Blue) | Inside of Swamp in Front of Exit. |
Perched Macaw (Green)* | East of Reptiles and Birds. |
Giraffe (Red)* | Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing. |
Walking Bear (Tan) | Great Bear Wilderness Underwater Viewing |
Dolphin (Blue) | Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing. |
Koala (Gray) | East of Reptiles and Birds. |
Seal (Pink) | Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing. |
Panther (Black)* | East of Reptiles and Birds. |
Bison (Orange)* | In Front of Restrooms of Coast Gifts & Café Del Sol. |
Penguin (White) | In Front of Restrooms of Coast Gifts & Café Del Sol. |
Gorilla (Silver)* | East of Reptiles and Birds. |
Polar Bear (White) | Great Bear Wilderness Underwater Viewing. |
Souvenir Mold | Location |
Otter (Blue) | Inside of Swamp in Front of Exit. |
Perched Macaw (Green)* | East of Reptiles and Birds. |
Giraffe (Red)* | Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing. |
Walking Bear (Tan) | Inside Great Bear Wilderness Underwater Viewing. |
Dolphin (Blue) | Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing. |
Koala (Gray) | East of Reptiles and Birds. |
Seal (Pink) | Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing. |
Panther (Black)* | East of Reptiles and Birds. |
Bison (Orange)* | In Front of Restrooms of Coast Gifts & Café Del Sol. |
Penguin (White) | In Front of Restrooms of Coast Gifts & Café Del Sol. |
Gorilla (Silver)* | East of Reptiles and Birds. |
Polar Bear (White) | Inside Great Bear Wilderness Underwater Viewing. |