Machine Locations in Venue

Machine Locations
in Venue

Brookfield Zoo (Brookfield, IL)

Brookfield Zoo
(Brookfield, IL)

Brookfield Zoo
(Brookfield, IL)






Souvenir Mold Location
Otter (Blue) Inside of Swamp in Front of Exit.
Perched Macaw (Green)* East of Reptiles and Birds.
Giraffe (Red)* Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing.
Walking Bear (Tan) Great Bear Wilderness Underwater Viewing
Dolphin (Blue) Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing.
Koala (Gray) East of Reptiles and Birds.
Seal (Pink) Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing.
Panther (Black)* East of Reptiles and Birds.
Bison (Orange)* In Front of Restrooms of Coast Gifts & Café Del Sol.
Penguin (White) In Front of Restrooms of Coast Gifts & Café Del Sol.
Gorilla (Silver)* East of Reptiles and Birds.
Polar Bear (White) Great Bear Wilderness Underwater Viewing.




Souvenir Mold Location
Otter (Blue)  Inside of Swamp in Front of Exit.
Perched Macaw (Green)* East of Reptiles and Birds.
Giraffe (Red)* Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing.
Walking Bear (Tan) Inside Great Bear Wilderness Underwater Viewing.
Dolphin (Blue) Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing.
Koala (Gray) East of Reptiles and Birds.
Seal (Pink) Inside Seven Sea’s Underwater Viewing.
Panther (Black)* East of Reptiles and Birds.
Bison (Orange)* In Front of Restrooms of Coast Gifts & Café Del Sol.
Penguin (White) In Front of Restrooms of Coast Gifts & Café Del Sol.
Gorilla (Silver)* East of Reptiles and Birds.
Polar Bear (White) Inside Great Bear Wilderness Underwater Viewing.

Map and Table last updated: 01/31/25

* = Newly added mold or color change.